Thursday 10 April 2008

Theology of Art (to come)

I intend to reproduce the Theology of Art articles in my blog over the next few weeks. Those of you who subscribe to Dynamite and Etsijä ("Seeker") magazines, I'm afraid you're going to have to read them again. As for you normal people, perhaps you'll find some insights from these articles. (They received some flak too, so don't be afraid to offer constructive criticism.)

Theology of Art was originally published in three parts, but because they are quite long, I will divide each into another two parts, making it six posts altogether.

Theology of Art, Part I

Hands and Brains (or Lack of)
Hands and Brains (or Lack of) (continued)

Theology of Art, Part II
The Body - Neither Puritanism nor Pornography
The Body - Neither Puritanism nor Pornography (continued)

Theology of Art, Part III
Nakedness and imago Dei
Nakedness and imago Dei (continued)

Many thanks to Jussi for helping me with the artwork (which I cannot reproduce here), and to Saila for helping me translate them from Finnish.

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