Summer of 2005. My first tan, ever. It only took 42 days of 24/7 tanning (= living on a desert island), but eventually that red pigment gave way to brown skin. After 2005, it's been very easy for me to get some colour during summers and not remain all whitey. Today was the warmest spring day thus far (this year) in Helsinki. It was a good day in other ways too: Saila was confirmed into the Catholic Church and I spent half the day showing downtown Helsinki to my new friend, Joseph. I guess the summer season started.
I'm particularly looking forward to this summer, as it'll be my last in my current apartment - near the beach. One major project that I intend to complete this summer is the translation of Alexandre Havard's brilliant Virtous Leadership into Finnish. I really think I'll pull it off without leaving the beach (and beach café) all summer. I'm planning to enjoy this summer - without neglecting my obligations.
Hih..sounds like a plan..Tuo työskentely beachillä sopisi kyllä itse kullekin!
Hey Pia, it does, doesn't it?
Mutta kannettavaa ei voi pitää (eikä screen edes näy) auringossa, joten pitää aina päivän päätteeksi palata kotiin sisään koneen ääreen ja kirjoittaa muistiinpanot puhtaaksi.
Kun käännös on valmis ja (haltioitunut) kustantaja löytynyt, saat kopion - ihan allekirjoituksella (ainakin kääntäjän allekirjoituksella, he).
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