...Well, at least as far as I am concerned, that is. One major reason behind my wellbeing is the fact that my nephew, Benjamin, and my niece, Daniella, are so adorable. Daniella, the little princess, can walk! She is barely 11 months old. Benjy's vocabulary is extensive and he is a very brave boy. I guess our honeymoon is over, for the other day Benjy asked his dad: "When is Uncle Jason going back home?"
Posting will be more sporadic in December. I'm trying to cut down on time spent on the Internet -- which is not that difficult considering that I arrived without a personal computer to a land that has a somewhat unreliable network. (Isi: Ruokomäet tulee 17. päivä. Toisin sanoen on vielä reilu viikko aikaa löytää mulle läppäri, jossa toimii ainakin Word...)
What a nice picture! Blown up in black and white...
We are thinking of you and it is nice to hear that all is well.
May God Bless,
Glad to hear that you made it there safe!
Toimitin pyytämäsi viestin perille hallilla.
Say hello to the lions and check your e-mail!;)
Mami/Gramma: Danny and Sirkku's friend, Timo, who is in Tanzania with his wife, Tiiti ("tit" is swahili), edited the picture. He took and edited a few other pictures too. One of the best was of Benjy. I'm sure the Lepojärvi Blog will post it sometime soon.
Pia: Thanks, got your note - and the requested package is on its way!
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