Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Queen and Princess

These pictures say it all. It is clear that the Queen and Princess of my host-family have a sublime bond between them. I cannot wait to see what kind of person Daniella grows up to be. She has a strong will and a robust mind. And yet she is vulnerable and gentle at the same time.


A Khudori Soleh said...
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Anonymous said...

Todella upeita kuvia kuningattaresta ja prinsessasta. Vau.

Mummi ja Pappa

Jason Lepojärvi said...

Eikö olekin? Jos kuningas on rakastunut kuningattareen, kuninkaan veli on aivan haltioissaan kuningasparin jälkikasvusta, pikkuprinssistä ja -prinsessasta.

Kuninkaan veli