Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Virtuous Leadership -- Hyvejohtajuus

Inspired by Alexandre Havard's magisterial book Virtuous Leadership (Scepter 2007) and our leadership center, European Center for Leadership Development, a few friends and I created a blog in 2008, ("virtuous leadership" in Finnish).

We publish Weekly Articles on virtue, leadership, and everything in between.
In addition to these weekly articles by our regular writers, a Guestbook Article is published monthly by a visiting guest. Thus far we've had doctors, businessmen, writers, teachers etc. submit though-provoking articles. Ever since we launched this project a little over a year ago our readership has grown exponentially. Those of you who read Finnish, I can heartly recommend the site.

Our regular contributors are:

Oskari Juurikkala: An economist and a lawyer, Oskari is doing his PhD at the moment. His interests include theology and philosophy. He's also a talented musician.

Santiago Martinez: An MBA and political scientist, Santi is a Spaniard who has lived in Finland for nearly 20 years. He runs a developmental organization with close ties to Kenya.

Jussi Ruokomäki: A web consultant and specialist, he works for Smilehouse, one of the biggest (or the biggest) e-commerce companies in Finland. Jussi is married to Hanna and they have a 3-year-old son, Oskar, who is my godson.

Jason Lepojärvi: That would be me. I'm a teacher of philosophy and theology, but for the next few years I'll be concentrating on my dissertation on love.

In addition to us four, a fifth regular contributor has just joined us, Markku Lepojärvi: He is the principle of Albertinkoulu, the school for the hearing-impaired in Helsinki, a foster-father of three, a biological father of another three (myself included), and a young grandfather of four.

Here are the relevant links:
European Center for Leadership Development
Virtuous Leadership (the book, soon to be published in Finnish)
List of articles (2008-2009)


emil said...

Jou mään! Kivoja postauksia taas. Cool that ur dad joined the team. How did that happen - by invitation or self-invitation or some other means? I could write on the Virtuous Paul as soon as the Catholic Paul is out (looks like u'll be back before it's out - if it's out 13th of June I'm happy) if you still have some vieraskynäs left for this year or even the summer. Btw are the exponential numbers secret or can u share how many visits/clicks u get nowadays..?

Jason Lepojärvi said...

Jambo Emil, terveisiä Viktorianjärven rannalta. Ajettiin tänne eilen Serengetin läpi Dannyn kanssa.

Mun isä liittyi mukaan pyynnöstä. On todella kiinnostunut hyvejohtajuudesta.

Odottelen sun kirjaa innolla!

Kirjoitan sulle vieraskynästä mailitse. Samoin visiiteistä. ;-)

e said...

etpä oo mailannu! hyvää serengeittailua! teen nyt hakemistoa oon n. 50 sivuu jo tehny ja yli puoleenväliin pitäs tänää ehtiä reilusti... kuuriasta tuli mailia että Teemu tutustuu tekstiin...

Jason Lepojärvi said...

Pistin viestiä. Toivottavasti neuvottelut päättyvät hyvin. Kuulin yllättävästä "ongelmasta".