In the summer of 2004 we have a family reunion in British Columbia, Canada. Almost everyone from my mother's side was there. This photo was taken there - one of the best of my parents together. It was really wonderful. I saw a lot of relatives I hadn't seen for years - and some whom had been born or married into the family.* I was also able to introduce my (ex)wife to that side of my family.
In fact, after the reunion was over she and I took a two-week trip on Canada 1, the legendary trans-continental train, across the whole of Canada from Vancouver to Quebec (we were not able to visit Newfoundland etc. unfortunately). If I could re-do any one trip ever, that would be it. Such a beautiful country (although I slept through Saskatchewan, but don't tell the Saskatchewanians). And it was lovely to finally visit the French speaking areas. Quebec City was wonderful and unique, but from a European viewpoint less exotic than from a North American viewpoint). Ottawa was one of my favourites: so alike Helsinki.
*May God bless David and his mourning family.
What made Ottawa seem like Helsinki? Just curious since I've never been to Canada and have no idea what it's like...
Ottawa and Helsinki were both relatively the same size. Not too big (not metropolises) but neither too small. The history of Helsinki goes back a few hundred years more than Ottawa's, but they both are deeply rooted historically and culturally. And being capitals, I suppose the governments invest a lot in keeping them clean and pleasant. Also, I am told that Ottawa's climate is alike Helsinki's (I only saw it during summer).
I loved Toronto too. I was told that it's a NY-wannabe - and that people are prigs - but that was far from the truth. Toronto was extremely beautiful and fun. Coming into town by train was an unforgettable experience. The thick forests that run right up to the edge of the perfect blue buildings.
Jason, I won't tell the Saskatchwanites that you slept through their province!! You better be thankful, though, that I from BC now..... ;)
That was a fun weekend eh? It seems so long ago, but it was 4 years! We should do it again! Maybe in Finland?
Hey Krystal,
So happy you found it to my blog. So, it's Saskatchwan and not Saskatch(e)wan? Actually, I didn't sleep through the province on purpose. The train just buzzed through in a matter of few hours and we were asleep then. I spent a memorable time there long time ago visiting your in-laws (those vast fields can be impressive, I know).
Moonlight Bay, was it? Yes, it sure was a wonderful extended weekend. It'll be hard to get people motivated enough to come to Finland, he he. How many have been here? Aunty Lynn (many times, coming this summer again!), Marnie, Daryl (Danny and I took him to Stockholm, Sweden, too), Grandma (a few times), and yourself of course. Anyone else?
I'm hoping some of the younger cousins (or their kids) will spend an exchange year in Helsinki or even complete a Univ. degree: TOP education, and it's FREE. Well, at the moment it is. There's some talk about privatizing parts of the educational system.
My best to Merrick,
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