Sini and Saila Savolainen are sisters. They have other things in common too: they're both beautiful (as you can see) and - no complaints from here - both neighbors of mine. Saila is a founding member of TACT, but unfortunately has put these C. S. Lewis breakfasts on hold for the moment. Sini works at Sports Academy, the next-door sports bar where I work at too on-and-off as a doorman. Sini, I meant to call you, but in case you're reading this, Café Merenneito here at the beach is hiring staff for the summer season - I think you'd enjoy it.
1 year ago
Maybe my opinion is slightly biased, but you sure are LUCKY to have such neighbors.
The Aristolian-Thomistic definition of Humility is "the habit of seeing the truth about things". So no, I don't think you were biased. You were merely humble.
Go Blues! Blues just made it to the finals. Poor Jokerit, their summer vacation begun early this year...
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