Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Closed Because It's Not Open

A few days ago I posted a note "Overheard in Africa". Of course it should've been titled "Overread in Africa", because it included two incredible notes I have seen here in Tanzania.

Anyway, in the aftermath of that post I dared my (ex-)collegue Pia from Länsi-Auto Areena -- since 2009 renamed as Barona Areena -- to tape a note with

"The Arena is closed at the moment because it is not open"
on the entrance door.

Lo and behold, I just received an email supported by empirical evidence that proves I should be more careful about what I wish for -- or dare people to do.


Anonymous said...

Kiitos Jason.
Hienoa, että voin näinkin tähdellisillä asioilla omalta osaltani auttaa opintojesi etenemistä siellä kaukaisessa Afrikassa...:)

Jason Lepojärvi said...

*Kiittää ja kumartaa*

Jep, nämä piristää mieltä.

(Lisäksi kuvien "harmaa" sävy on mieltä ylentävä---ei tule turhan kiire kotiin Suomeen...)