Saturday 16 August 2008

Political Theory

In theory, if I were to venture into the world of politics one day, say in twenty years or so, some questions concerning politics would have to be clear by then. In addition to the one hundred and one questions I have concerning specific concrete legislations, there are some theoretical - that is to say, more profound and urgent - questions to be answered first. Three general questions (or dilemmas), to be precise. I could not even contemplate a role in politics before I had settled them.

And as it will become clear in the following posts, there are some high ranking politicians whom not only do not have an answer to the questions - they haven't even asked the questions in the first place. To me that's mind-boggling. It's like sailing without a map when the destiny of so many people depend on your seamanship.

Political theory #1: Matter vs. Spirit
Political theory #2: Origin of Change--Law or Conscience?
Political theory #3: Christian Politician's Dilemma

I will try to formulate my thoughts and write separate posts on each. The first is blank because I find it difficult to even formulate a topic that would capture the heart of the subtle problem. Working on it. Posts forthcoming.

Edit: Title added to first.

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