Yet another photo from November 2006, my first trip to Tanzania (I haven't been able to access my photos from February 2008). I joined Danny on one of this many work trips, this time to Kilwa, which is South from Dar es Salaam on the coast. Fida had just recently helped to build a school there, and Danny went to inspect the results and say hello. Our hosts had booked us in two separate bungalos in Kilwa's finest hotel. This probably cost them a month's salary, but we couldn't say no. The interesting part was that we were the only customers in the hotel, not only that day, but that month. Here is Danny fiddling with the sea-shells I gathered while he's talking to his wife on the phone, whom he dearly misses on all of his field trips.
1 year ago
How nice that you FINALLY have a blog! Since I haven't been able to come to tact mornings I meet you so seldom. This is an easy way to stay updated about your life. As long as you remember to post at least once a week ;) Luckily there is a spell checker on this thingie...
We just laughed when we noticed you in this beautiful picture.
Please post photos from Tanzania; Oskar wants to see all those animals.
Take care!
Hanna, hi!
How nice of me? So you are *not* sad that I too have given in? We HAVE missed you during TACT mornings. It isn't the same without you, even though it's still - much thanks to your husband - really enjoyable, today morning being no exception.
I also enjoy the spell checker. This covers my spelling mistakes; but as for grammatical mistakes or low quality content of this blog, I trust more intelligent readers than myself will keep me on track.
New photo from Tanzania posted for Oskar! Remember that all photos can be enlargened by clicking them.
Till soon!
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