Cathy and Simon's wedding last summer was an absolute success. It was very beautiful: this perfect photo with the colours and perfect pose actually symbolize how it really was: perfect. There were so many good pictures taken, I would like to post them all. There's one picture I definitely will be posting in the future: it involves my dad (that is, Simon's father-in-law) and a shotgun. If you're interested in knowing how they're doing, there's a direct link to their family homepages on the left hand side of this blog. (Cathy, now you'll have to update it. You wouldn't want people to be disappointed, now would you?)
if you would've checked our blog more often...then you would know -it's been updated!!!!!!!!!!
Cool. I'm SO going to steal your photos of Joshua and post them here one day.
Uncle Jason
Looks great! Too bad I wasn't there:( So close yet so far away;)
U know reminded me of Poland we should look@those photos together I should visit u and bring them on my USB stick.
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