My paternal Grandpa, Kalevi, is a very old man. He is a father of eight. As a young man, he uses to work at a saw-mill. It was important to keep your back straight when handling heavy pieces of wood. Many years of that left my Grandpa with an impeccable posture. In this photo he is, what, some 80 years old? and still standing proud and handsome. He and my Grandma, Kaija, became farmers and dairy producers. I still remember the smell of the barn. Years went by; they retired; shut down the farm. Later Grandma died, and Grandpa's health deteriorated. Loss of memory, yes. But he still stands straight, I believe. Good man.
1 year ago
He'll turn 88 on 6th of September..Wish we could have the same, see our love ones to grow up, and share the love :)
Hi Mervi!
Yup, quite an accomplishment. Eight children and - how many grandchildren? Many, that's for sure. I guess even a good man's memory fades eventually, but the memory of the good man stays.
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