Monday 31 March 2008

Blogging in April

I'm not even going to try to lie and say that I'm going to quit blogging. It would be a too obvious April Fool's Day joke. However, I will say that a friend of mine expressed her grave disappointment in me joining the blogosphere. She said that blogging increases anti-socialism. People don't see each other anymore, people don't talk. I guess the same was said of mobile phones too? We all know how that turned out though. People, at least in Finland, began to see much more of each other as a direct result of smoother communication. But I don't know if similar researches have been conducted as regards blogging.

That said, as March comes to an end, I will not blog on a daily basis in April - rather, on a every-second-day basis. (Radical change, I know.) I have an important deadline on April 18th (prayers requested). But if I feel confident that this blog won't turn into an "extension of ”ego” (my phrase, by the way), I might resume daily blogging in May again.

Happy April everyone!


Jussi Ruokomäki said...

Yup, those ego extensions can be a real drag.

By the way, that sidebar image is really cool. Who could've had the awesome talent to make it semi-transparent, yet standards compliant?

Jason Lepojärvi said...

Thank you, I did.


(Wait, is it April 1st already?)