Monday 24 March 2008

Myth Debunked

This is Northern Norway, last Fall. The Autumn colours are not yet radiant, but it does look serene. However, you know the story about the supposed treasure at the end of a rainbow? Well, whoever came up with that myth doesn't know s**t. After walking all those miles, all I found was Emil. Thankfully I bumped into some rain-deer as well.

(Emil, this is a Lepojärvi euphemism for “You are a dear friend.”)


Anonymous said...

My rain-dear co-pilgrim, at least I know whoI'mgonnacall [if I need some] - Myth Busters! [u know, whoyougonnacall - Ghost Busters etc..;)]

p.s. how illogical of you to mix American and British English (Fall+Autumn colours - not to mention seasons shouldn't be capitalized)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jason was going for a poetic effect and decided to personify the season by capitalizing it. The mixture of British and American English is a symbol of the universality of the season and mankind's quest for the elusive rainbow.

Yes, I'm quite sure Jason really put that much thought into it.

Jason Lepojärvi said...

Dear Emil, after looking up 'grammar-nazism'* in my dictionary, I've decided to forgive you and remain your one friend.

Kind regards,

* def. a mental condition pertaining to postlapsarian Man; common among philologists; symptoms e.g. loss of friends.